About Project
Foundation Management Software is very usefull for all kind of Helping Foundations and Organization to manage their donations and its properties.
Project Information
- Category:Helping Foundations & Organizations
- Location:Pakistan, Philippines and Cambodia
- Releasing Date:20 September 2022
Project Analysis
In this System you can easily Manage all the Eliments of your Foundation such as the complete details of your donors, donations and all kinds of donation campagin. We made it perfact and easy to use.
Main Features
One of the Main Feature of this System is to Manage all kind of data of any foundation or organization.In this System you can get any information about your any donors and Manage thier financial Matters.
The Result
Many Foundations and Organizations have become organized after using our system. It is now easier for them to manage their donations and other Properties of their foundation. Now they can easily handle of their foundation's accounts.
Main Change
Our foundation management software updated version is fully responsive. You can use it on any kind of device such as mobile, tablet etc. It is also multiligual, and easy to use in your own language.
We have received very good response from our customers regarding this system.This system made it easier for them to work, so they give us a good tribute.